Monday, April 20, 2009

Snow or rain?

The weekend really started Thursday night, with high expectations of snow and all that that brings to our area in the spring. Our weekend plans were teetering back & forth with each new announcement since the weatherman couldn't determine if it would be really rainy, or cold enough for 2 feet of wet, heavy snow. Friday night was supposed to be the sock hop, a school fundraiser for DS1's class. Saturday we had birthday parties for BFF's two cute DD's (1yo and 3yo) who live about 45 min across town. Sunday BFF and I planned on ambushing our respective boys with a trip to Six Flags.

And we waited... anxiously.

Friday morning, 6 am. No snow when DH left for a work conference. NONE!
Friday morning, 7 am. Snowing, but not sticking
Friday morning, 8:30 am. Starting to stick. (You get the drift, right?)

By the time I picked the boys up at 3:00 from school, the roads were a slushy, slippery mess. The sock hop had been postponed a week (other problems here), the birthday parties canceled, and Six Flags was either canceled or postponed. I did stop by work and pick up vouchers for a free 14-ers (think NBA but farm team) game Saturday night -- if we could get there.

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